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Ikigai: Nurturing Happiness through Purpose and Meaning

 The Ancient Japanese Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that refers to a sense of purpose and meaning in life. According to Ikigai, having a strong sense of purpose and meaning in life is often described as the reason for being or the thing that makes life worth living. People with this strong sense of purpose, and likely to live long and happy lives.

Here are some fundamental principles of Ikigai:

  • Discover your passion: Experts often link Ikigai to what brings you joy and fulfilment. Take some time to reflect on your passions and interests to help you discover your Ikigai.
  • Pursue your strengths: identify your strengths and talents and find ways to use them daily. This step can help you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your work and hobbies.
  • Find your mission: Determine what you want to contribute to the world and how you can impact others. This step can help you find a sense of purpose and fulfilment.
  • Cultivate relationships: Strong social connections are a vital aspect of Ikigai. Develop relationships with family, friends, and community members to help you feel more connected and supported.
  • Embrace the present moment: Focus on the present moment and find joy in the small things in life. This stage can help you cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for life. 


The Ikigai Lifestyle Finding Happiness and Meaning in Everyday Life
The Ikigai Lifestyle: Finding Happiness and Meaning in Everyday Life

What are Ikigai principles?

  • Discovering one's purpose and meaning in life is the foundation of Ikigai.
  • Nurture a strong sense of passion and enthusiasm for activities and pursuits.
  • Engage in activities that align with one's skills and talents.
  • Seek opportunities that provide a sense of fulfilment and impact on others.
  • Find a balance between what one loves, what the world needs, what one is good at, and what one can receive rewards for.
  • Embrace the present moment and find joy in the journey rather than focusing solely on the end goal.
  • Develop and maintain meaningful relationships and social connections.
  • Continuously learning and growing to expand personal knowledge and capabilities.
  • Living a life that is authentic, true to oneself, and aligned with personal values and beliefs.
  • Striving for a harmonious and balanced lifestyle that integrates work, leisure, relationships, and well-being.

Please note that the principles of Ikigai may vary slightly depending on different interpretations and sources. 

How to discover your passion

Discovering your passion can be a journey of self-exploration and discovery.

Here are some tips to help you find your passion:

  • Try new things. Take up new hobbies or interests that you have never tried before. This step can help you discover new passions and interests that you may not have known you had.
  • Reflect on your past experiences. Think about times when you felt truly fulfilled and engaged. What were you doing? What were the circumstances surrounding that experience? This action can help you identify activities and situations that bring you joy.
  • Pay attention to your emotions. Notice how you feel when you are engaged in different activities. Do certain activities energise and bring joy, while others leave you drained or uninterested? This step can be a clue to what you are passionate about.
  • Consider your values. Think about the things that matter most to you, such as creativity, helping others, or making a difference. How can you align your passions with your values?
  • Seek inspiration: Look to others who have found their passions and follow in their footsteps. Read books, attend events, or watch documentaries to find inspiration and learn about different career paths or hobbies.

How to cultivate relationships

Cultivating relationships involves building and maintaining meaningful connections with others.

  • Make time for others to schedule with family, friends, and colleagues. This step can involve having regular meals, walking or participating in activities together.
  • Show interest: Show interest in the lives of others by asking about their day, interests, and goals. Listen actively and ask follow-up questions to show that you care.
  • Be supportive. Offer support and encouragement to those around you. This step can involve providing a listening ear, offering help when needed, or providing words of encouragement.
  • Be respectful: Treat others with respect and kindness. Avoid making assumptions or judgements about others and seek to understand their perspectives and experiences.
  • Communicate effectively: communicate clearly and honestly with others. Be willing to express your thoughts and feelings and listen carefully to the perspectives of others.
  • Practise forgiveness: When conflicts arise, practise forgiveness and seek to resolve the issue constructively. This stage can involve apologising when necessary, taking responsibility for your actions, and seeking common ground.
  • Celebrate together. Celebrate the successes and milestones of those around you. This process can involve congratulating someone on a job well done, attending a celebration, or giving a thoughtful gift.

By actively cultivating relationships in these ways, you can build healthy, meaningful connections with others that provide support, joy, and fulfilment in your life. 

Ikigai Way Unlocking Happiness the Japanese Style
Ikigai Way: Unlocking Happiness in the Japanese Style

How long does an Ikigai lifestyle support it, as every human nature is different?

  • The sustainability of an Ikigai lifestyle varies for each individual.
  • The duration of living an Ikigai lifestyle depends on factors such as personal growth and evolving passions.
  • Life circumstances and changes may require reassessment and redefinition of purpose.
  • Ikigai is a continuous journey of self-discovery and personal evolution.
  • Some individuals may find a lifelong Ikigai, while others may experience shifts and transitions.
  • Adaptation, nurturing passions, and maintaining meaningful connections support Ikigai sustainability.
  • Cultivating self-awareness and embracing change are essential for sustaining Ikigai.
  • Actively seeking opportunities for purpose and meaning nourishes the Ikigai lifestyle.


  • The sustainability of an Ikigai lifestyle varies among individuals, influenced by their unique nature and circumstances.
  • An Ikigai lifestyle's duration depends on personal growth, evolving passions, and individual contexts.
  • Life circumstances and personal changes necessitate the continual reassessment and redefinition of one's purpose.
  • Ikigai represents an ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal evolution, demanding adaptability and flexibility.
  • While some individuals discover a lifelong Ikigai, others experience shifts and transitions.
  • Sustaining an Ikigai lifestyle involves actively adapting, nurturing passions, and fostering meaningful connections.
  • Cultivating self-awareness and embracing change become pivotal in maintaining the sustainability of Ikigai.
  • Actively seeking opportunities for purpose and meaning ensures the perpetual nourishment of the Ikigai lifestyle.


















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