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How will Web AR influence the future of websites?

Demystifying Web AR: Augmented Reality Accessible to All

What is Web AR?

Web AR (Web Augmented Reality) enables the creation and sharing of interactive experiences through 3D computer-generated images that appear to emerge from the screen in front of the user, providing a more immersive and engaging experience. It provides a computerised version of the virtual reality experience.

Web AR, the latest digital technology for augmented reality, enables users to place virtual objects into their environment, allowing them to see and interact with 3D images and animations within a digital space.

The Future of Interactive Experiences
The Future of Interactive Experiences

We can use Web AR, and it will be a platform for virtual meetings, online training, and other applications. Web AR is a relatively new technology and is on a progressive path. It is still in its early stages, and few platforms support it. Web AR is the future of the internet. It is a new way to experience the web with the physical and digital worlds together. With Web AR, you can view digital content in the real world through your device or camera. This process signifies you can see how products look in your home before your purchase or explore a new city without leaving your living room. 


There are endless possibilities for Web AR, and many corporations use it for some of the biggest brands in the world. 

  1. Ikea is a Swedish multinational known for furniture and home accessories. Ikea develops an app that lets you see how furniture would look in your home before you purchase it. 
  2. Google offers an app that allows users to take virtual tours of historical landmarks and natural wonders.
  3. Lowe's (an American retail company) has an app to see how appliances will look in your kitchen before you purchase them.  

Many businesses adopt Web AR technology, and we will likely see even more innovative and convenient uses. In the future, we can expect the utility of Web AR in fields such as medicine, education, architecture, robotics, and more. Time is changing, and if you are away with Web AR, now is the time to check it out!


How does WebAR work?

WebAR uses web and AR technologies to deliver AR experiences through a web browser. 

The basic process involves how it works into several steps: 

  1. Marker or Image Recognition: WebAR uses image recognition technology to detect and track specific images. These images serve as a reference point for the AR content. 
  2. Loading 3D content: Once the marker or after image identification occurs, the user's browser loads the web-based AR experience. You can create and render 3D content inside of a browser by using web technologies like JavaScript and WebGL.
  3. Positioning and OrientationThe AR content is then positioned and oriented in the user's environment based on the location and orientation of the marker or image. This process is known as registration, and it's fundamental to achieve a proper Augmented Reality experience.
  4. Interactivity: Once the AR content is placed and oriented correctly, the user can interact with it in various ways. This process involves several actions, such as clicking buttons, manipulating objects, and even using hand gestures. 
  5. Tracking: WebAR uses the device's camera and sensors to track the user's movements, allowing the AR content to stay in place as the user moves around. 

Overall, WebAR combines the power of web technologies and AR technologies to enable users to experience AR content through their web browsers without downloading and installing an app. 

What advantages does Web AR offer?

WebAR (Web-based Augmented Reality) offers several advantages over other forms of AR, such as app-based AR: 

  1. Accessibility: WebAR can be accessed from any device with a compatible web browser, making it more accessible to many users. Accessibility means users can access WebAR experiences by visiting a website, eliminating the need to download and install an app.
  2. Cross-platform compatibility: WebAR can be used on both iOS and Android devices, as well as on desktop computers, without the need to develop separate versions of the experience for each platform.
  3. Easy sharing: You can share WebAR experiences via a link, which makes it easier for users to access and experience AR content.
  4. Cost-effective: WebAR can be more cost-effective than developing and maintaining native AR apps, as it eliminates the need to create separate versions of the experience for each platform.
  5. Better data collection: WebAR can use web technologies like cookies and tracking pixels that allow better data collection on user interactions and behaviours.
  6. Flexibility: Experts build WebAR on web technologies and are known for their flexibility and adaptability. This action can enable the easier integration of new features and technologies. 

You can create healthy retail applications that give customers a richer in-store experience with Web AR. AR catchy stalls that increase actual or foot traffic to physical stores are among our best ideas. 

Web-based AR e-commerce apps for jewellers and clothing retailers offer virtual try-on experiences without separate downloads, making AR more accessible, shareable, and cost-effective overall.

Augmented Reality without Boundaries
Augmented Reality without Boundaries

What is the functionality of Web AR product configurators?

One can create interactive product catalogues that display each product in a digital format that customers can explore. One can configure Bata or Liberty shoes that employ AR technology and allow customers to extensively personalise their shoes by browsing product catalogues, which is an example of this trend!


What are the limitations of WebAR?

There are several limitations of WebAR (Web-based Augmented Reality) technology, some of the most notable include the:

  1. Device support: WebAR currently only works on a limited number of devices, such as newer smartphones and tablets. They are not extending support on all devices, but some devices may not have the necessary sensors and hardware.  
  2. Browser support: WebAR is a relatively new technology, and support for it is not yet available on all web browsers. Users may need to use a specific browser or an updated version to access WebAR content.
  3. Performance: The performance of the device and internet connection speed can have an impact on WebAR experiences. Some WebAR experiences may not run smoothly on older devices or with slow internet connections.
  4. Tracking and registration: WebAR requires precise push and registration of virtual content with the real world. This process can be difficult to achieve, particularly in challenging lighting conditions or when the user travels around.
  5. Limited interactivity: Due to the limitations of the technology, some WebAR experiences may be less interactive than their app-based counterparts.
  6. Privacy and Security: WebAR experiences involve security and privacy vulnerabilities, like any online technologies, and need proper attention. 

Overall, WebAR is still a relatively new technology, and one can address these limitations may be addressed as the technology and support for it improves over time. The 5G network will replace the end of the 4G network issues on augmented reality.























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